Create an Azure Storage Account

A storage account to store data might come in handy while working with MEM and proactive remediation in particular. In this post we will have a quick look at how to get started. Psst… We will use this storage account in close future, stay tuned 😍

We will need an active Azure Subscription, check this article out if you do not already have one. Create an additional Azure subscription | Microsoft Docs

  1. Sign in to Azure:
  2. Click: All Services
  3. Search: Storage account
  4. Click: Storage account
  5. Click: Create
  6. Subscription: Pick the subscription you want to use
  7. Resource group: Click Create new -> choose a fitting name
  8. Storage account name: Choose a fitting name
  9. Region: Choose a region close to you
  10. Performance: Standard (as we do not need low latency for what we are going to do)
  11. Redundancy: Locally-redundant (lowest-cost option)
  12. Click: Review + Create
  13. Click: Create

We have now successfully create a storage account

Let’s have a look at how to prepare the storage account for our MEM content

  1. Sign in to Azure:
  2. Click: All Services
  3. Search: Storage account
  4. Click: Storage account
  5. Click your newly created storeage account
  6. Click: Containers
  7. Click: +Container
  8. Name: Choose a fitting name. I will use “ten-mem-stuff” for this demo
  9. Public access level: Private (no anonymous access)
  10. Click: Create

We have now successfully created a storage account and a container to store our MEM stuff 🙂

It is a good practice to not allow anonymous access. I recommend the use of SAS URL or similar to access files within the container. Read more here: Grant limited access to data with shared access signatures (SAS) – Azure Storage | Microsoft Docs

Here is how I like to do it:

  1. Click: Upload
  2. Pick a file to upload
  3. Click Advanced to view advanced settings
  4. Authentication type: Account key
  5. Blob type: Block blob
  6. Access tier: Cool
  7. Click: Upload
  8. Now click the three dots to the right and click Generate SAS
  9. Pick a start and expiry date and click Generate SAS token and URL (always use HTTPS only)
  10. Use the URL to access the file(s) ⭐😍

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