Update Windows 365 to Windows 11

Windows 365 was initially released with Windows 10. But as Windows 11 was released, Windows 365 was given support the same day (thanks Microsoft)!

In this post we will walk through the steps to add a Windows 11 image and re-provision our Windows 365-desktops. NOTE! This will re-install the desktop and user/app data will be lost. We will hopefully get an in-place upgrade method in the future, but this is what we currently have.

Let’s go!

We will start off by changing our provisioning profile to Windows 11

  1. Open MEM: https://endpoint.microsoft.com/
  2. Click: Devices -> Windows 365 -> Provisioning policies
  3. Select your provisioning policy from the list
  4. Click: Edit to change the Image
  5. Click: Change
  6. Pick the top most image. The latest (when writing this post) is Windows 11 Enterprise 21H2
  7. Click: Select
  8. Click: Next
  9. Click: Update

Now let’s re-provision our device(s). Keep in mind that all user and app data will be lost.

  1. Click: All Cloud PCs
  2. Click: a device to re-provision
  3. From the top bar Click Reprovision

Now all you need to do is wait for the magic to happen. This worked really well during my tests but should be used carefully if applied to production as it will remove any data from the device.

Enjoy your new Windows 11 cloud PC! 😍

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